Yarn Social

Yarn.social - The decentralized social micro-blogging platform that actually respects your privacy


Open Source

You have full access to the source code for Yarn Social, there is no need to worry about hidden nasties!

Actually Free!

Yarn Social is actually free! We don't keep your information nor do we sell it. Yarn Social's aim is for you to keep your information safe, no tracking, no ads, no data selling. 100% data safe!

Cross Platform

Yarn Social has a mobile app for both apple and android devices, simply sign in and all your posts and feeds will appear!

Information and Setup

If you have a Docker installed and available to run containers you can run a "yarnd" instance by simply running:

$ docker run -p 8000:8000 prologic/yarnd

Otherwise it is recommended to clone the source code and build "yarnd" from source. Be sure to have "Go" installed.

$ git clone https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn
$ cd yarn
$ make deps
$ make

Now run your instance by running:


For options see "yarnd --help". For other setups and community documentation on setting up a Yarn.social pod, please see Our Pod Owner's Wiki, you are also welcome to contribute to the Wiki!

Since Yarn.social is built upon the Twtxt spec with a few small extensions, all you need to do to join the network and participate in the growing number of users and conversations is have:

A twtxt.txt file hosted somewhere
A avatar.png hosted next to your twtxt.txt
A twtxt client such as
- jenny: a console twtxt client with mutt integration (tutorial)

For the best experience your client should also support some of the Twtxt Extensions developed by Yarn.social's development team and community. For example being able to participate in "threads" by implementing the Twt Subject and twt Hash extensions and the Metadata extensions to advertise information about your feed such as a description and avatar.

This feature is currently unavailable.

The following supporting services help to support the Yarn.social platform and are provided for the benefit of all users:

- search.twtxt.net This is an instance of the Yarns search engine and crawls the indexes Yarn.social pods and Twtxt feeds.
- feeds.twtxt.net This is an instance of rss2twtxt and is used as the primary "feed source" for all Yarn.social pods (by default) and supports RSS/Atom and Twitter™. This allows users to "subscribe" to and "follow" websites, blogs, or Twitter™ accounts.

The project is managed by a self-hosted Gitea instance at https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial
- yarn. The yarnd self-hosted Yarn.social Pod server itself as well as the yarnc command-line client for posting and interacting with the yarnd API

- search. The Yarn.social search engine that crawls the network of pods and twtxt feeds, scrapes and indexes every twt.

- feeds. An RSS/Atom and Twitter™ feed aggregator that consumes RSS/Atom and Twitter™ feeds and produces twtxt feeds for consumption by Yarn.social pods as well as twtxt clients in general.

- app. A Flutter iOS and Android App for the Yarn.social yarnd API to provide a native mobile experience for users (in the process of being rebuilt)

There is a native Mobile App for Yarn.social pods available called "Goryon for Twt" available on both Apple App and Google Play stores.

See Goryon for details.

NOTE: the mobile app is being rebuilt and rebranded. Test versions can be found here

Other Information:

    If you would like to help the project and contribute ideas, bug-fixes, improvements, etc, we're always looking for new contributors and we still have loads of things to do!

    Please reach out to @prologic or join our Gitea instance at https://www.git.mills.io/ and start filing issues and pull requests to the main project https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn

    We have an IRC channel "#yarn.social" on the Libera.Chat IRC network. You are welcome to come chat to us and hang out.

    Most of the software components here are licensed under the terms of the MIT License with the exception of the hosting platform.


This section will explain to you why the app collects some information, what happens when your account is deleted and some other FaQ answered regarding your privacy. If you have any questions please raise an issue regarding the same on GitHub and I'll answer as honest and quickly as possible.

What identifiable information is stored about me?
Your username/nickname along with your user information such as optional Avatar and Tagline. Your email address is used for password recovery only and is NOT stored, only a hash of it is stored and used for comparison when you user the password recovery feature.

How is this all free? There must be a catch!
Absolutely no catch to this freebie. This project is just my way of giving back to the community that I’ve learned so much from. If you’d like to show your appreciation however, you can follow me on my social media and let me know how much it helped you, or donate to help pay the cloud bills, or if you are a fellow developer, you can head to GitHub and contribute to the code by raising a PR.

At Yarn.Social, we believe that everyone is free to express and share their opinions, stories, ideas and thoughts! You can even create your own pod with your own followers. Your posts are your own, your data is your own, your community is made by you, however Yarn.social pod owners and operators have a responsibility to provide a safe community.

The primary focus of the community guidelines will be @-mentions and Conversations posted to any pods managed either by the Yarn.social team or pods purchased through the Yarn.social hosting service. Pods created and hosted independently are not held to these community guidelines and are beyond Yarn.social’s scope.

Many great friendships and conversations happen at Yarn.social. Unfortunately from time to time users may engage in what is deemed abusive or harassing behaviour.

If you are being harassed on a Yarn.social pod, or if you notice someone else being harassed, please report the user by going to their profile page and selecting report user. You will be asked to provide an example(s) by providing links to offending Posts by either their URL(s) or Hashes. Alternatively contact the Pod Owner at the /support page.

The following will not be tolerated as @-mentions to any user or in conversations (including multimedia content) on any Yarn.social Pod:

Hate speech: Content that attacks other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.

We will not host Twts or Twt Blogs whose primary purpose is inciting harm towards others on the basis of these categories.

Threats of violence: You may not threaten violence towards others or use the platform to organize, promote, or incite acts of real-world violence or terrorism.

Harassment: Repeatedly targeting other people with unwanted @-reply messages.

Posting private information (aka doxxing): You may not publish or post other people’s private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, street address, or Social

Security/National Identity numbers, without their express authorization and permission. In addition, you may not post intimate photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject’s consent.

Illegal activities: You may not use our service for any unlawful purposes or in furtherance of illegal activities. International users agree to comply with all local laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content.

What Happens If Someone Violates These Guidelines?

We recognize that the circumstances under which a violation has occurred will vary, and we will tailor our response to the situation that has been reported. We’ll review each abuse report on a case-by-case basis. In each case. The actions that we will take include, but are not limited to, the following:

A warning to discontinue behavior that violates the guidelines, with specific details on how the guidelines have been violated. Repeated warnings will lead to the removal of the offending User’s account and any Feeds they own.
Yarn.social account will be closed.
Thanks for helping us build and maintain a safe and welcoming community on Yarn.social and beyond!

We reserve the right to update these guidelines as needed.

Copyright © 2021-present All Rights Reserved Yarn.social - Built with zs

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